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Are you single and you love to travel around the world to meet all sorts of new people and experience new things? Well then, have you ever thought about cities that are the best for dating? What does it mean to be the best for dating? Well, there are quite a few defining characteristics that make a city more favorable to single people. Now we will discuss the most important key characteristics that make a city favorable for singles, and then we will list some of the worst and best cities for dating.

best city for singles

Best Cities for Dating: Key Characteristics

Are you a man and you want to meet single ladies for dating? The first thing you should do in your research of foreign countries and places all over the world is to bear in mind that we are all different, and you cannot truly predict what is going to happen tomorrow. Maybe you will meet the love of your life in the street or, maybe not, maybe it will take you another ten or fifteen years to do so. However, the following characteristics are the defining factors that make cities favorable for single people.

Gender balance

Obviously, any city that can be considered good for dating should have a fairly even gender balance, so that there will be enough men for women. This might seem trivial to some, but you have to realize that some cities are very imbalanced in terms of genders and it shows.

Urban environment and activities

The layout of a city matters a lot, if we are talking about an industrial city that is filled with factories and workers with their families and a bunch of old people roaming the streets – that would be the worst city in the world for dating, but, if a city has a rich nightlife with lots of great establishments to choose from, low level of crime, and, in general, lots of great ways to spend time and meet other people – that would be quite a great city for dating.

General romantic atmosphere

There are just some cities around the world that are special, some cities that are soaked in the feeling of love. There can be different reasons for that, maybe a city is associated with some legendary tale of two lovers, or it was built for a lady by some powerful king a long time ago.

Percentage of single people and their age

And here’s probably the most straightforward key characteristic of them all, percentage of single people in a city and their age. The latter is quite simple, sure, love knows no bounds, but let’s just agree that elderly people are not excited about establishing new relationships in their mid-60s and 70s. As for the percentage of single people, well, it seems to be a very complex ratio that has a lot of factors attached to it, cultural, political, religious, historical, etc.

Worst cities for dating

Before we jump right into the top 10 best cities for dating, let’s first talk about cities that are quite the opposite. These cities are just not suitable for dating at all, the reasons, as we’ve learned, can be quite different and complex, but, for whatever reason, the fact remains the same, you won’t meet single people there any time soon. Let’s look into some of the worst cities for dating in the world.

Yonkers, New York

There are quite a few main reasons for that. First off, the meals here are very expensive, like, ridiculously overpriced. A wealthy man won’t find it challenging to entertain his beloved girlfriend in this city, but a normal guy with a middle-low income should stay far away from this city.

best cities for dating

Lewiston, Maine

Well, the reasons for this city being placed on this list are quite different from Yonkers. This city is just old and boring. Sure, it has some nice spots, and it is great during the winter days, but it just lacks any sort of identity, and it failed to reinvent itself with time. The gender balance here is also quite bad, no nightlife insight. This is probably a great city for old people but not for young and adult singles.

Hialeah, Florida

I am very sorry for what I am about to say, but Hialeah is like a wasteland. Do you know how many social clubs there are per capita? 0,006… That’s just ridiculous. As for nightclubs, it’s not that much better, it’s around 0,75 per capita. It is also known as the least diverse city in Florida. Let’s now dive into the best dating cities.

Top 10 best cities for dating

These were some stinkers, let’s just rewind ourselves and think of something better. Let’s think about cities that are practically made for singles. We have already described all of the main characteristics of the success of a city when it comes to being favorable to single people. That being said, if you want to meet girls now and you want to jump right into the list of the best cities for dating in the world, well, here’s the list of the top 10 best cities for singles.

1. Carrboro, North Carolina

The city of Carrboro in North Carolina is considered to be one of the most progressive cities in the southwestern United States, and there is a large number of single people living there, who tend to be more active than the average American. It is also considered to be the best city for singles in North Carolina. And although here they actively use online services for dating (a little more often than the average), there is every chance to get acquainted traditionally since the infrastructure of the city, its universities and entertainment establishments are practically made for single people. In Carrboro, diversity is appreciated - even the city’s official slogan says it well, “Feel free.” Carrboro is one of the first cities in the South in which same-sex couples were given the rights of cohabitants. Here, hipsters and hippies spend time together at community events such as the Carrboro Music Festival, Independence Day Celebrations or the West End Poets Festival. Here, students from the nearby University of North Carolina sit at a bar next to retirees.

2. Paris, France

Was there any doubt that Paris would lend on this list? Well, probably, this list is mainly focused on the cities of the U.S., but we simply had to mention this beautiful city. Paris is one of the best cities for single men. Paris has traditionally been considered to be one of the most romantic places on the planet, but you would think that couples find this city more attractive than singles. Well, you would only be partially right. Paris is considered to be one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, and this hasn’t changed for a long time, every year, about 15 million travelers flock here. A good percentage of those people are single people who are just traveling the world. Thus, if you want to visit this great place and meet a fellow traveler, what are you waiting for? Few cities in the world can rival Paris in terms of the sheer number of local cafes, bars, and restaurants. The majestic landscape is created by the monumental architecture of the Arc de Triomphe, the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower, as well as an endless series of bridges over the Seine.

3. West Hollywood, CA

The number of singles in West Hollywood, California, alone is enough to make this place quite favorable for singles. Approximately 80 percent of the people living here are single. The city is also one of the best places for those seeking a relationship with a member of their gender. About a third of West Hollywood residents recognize themselves as lesbians, gays, bisexuals, or transgender people, as a result of which the city has become known as a very progressive one. Many West Hollywood bars and clubs promote their gay-friendly status. But if you like people of the opposite sex, there are places for meeting with them as well.

best city for dating

West Hollywood bachelors use online services and dating apps twice as often than average Americans. Residents of this area often visit art galleries, night clubs, pool rooms, and cinemas with romantic films. This western outskirt of Los Angeles boasts a high concentration of places for parties, many of which attract rich and famous customers. There is also a huge selection of art exhibitions, where you can see the art itself and its visitors. A person can meet other people in various fitness clubs, ranging from typical round-the-clock gyms and yoga studios to training camps and hiking groups.

4. Oxford, MS

Oxford, Mississippi is also one of the best university campuses in the country, but to start a romantic relationship, it is not necessary to get a degree. The city is teeming with single people, and many of them fall into the age group 21-35. Residents of Oxford go dancing, visit nightclubs, and romantic film screenings more often than their peers in other cities. That is why the city is on this list of the best places for single people. Here live true southern gentlemen and beauties, and there are also many different opportunities for entertainment and new acquaintances.

Single Oxfords use lots of different dating sites a little more often than the average American. The city is considered one of the best small towns in America, and there are quite a few places to go on a first date, to get lunch or just great places for a romantic walk. One of the most popular activities in Oxford is a walk through the historic center and the city square.

5. Berlin, Germany

Today, Berlin is a cultural center of Europe. This is a major European transport hub and one of the most visited cities on the continent. What hasn’t been said about Berlin at this point? Well, it has a great nightlife, a little on the expensive side, but still, there is an abundance of nightclubs, cafes, restaurants, and other types of establishments a single person would appreciate. Fewer couples come here as compared to Paris, which makes it even more likely that you will meet a fellow traveler on your journey.

6. San Marcos, Texas

San Marcos in Texas can be the site of your next romantic story, it is one of the best cities for single men. Dozens of films, TV shows, commercials, and videos were shot in this city. Picturesque views of the San Marcos River, the lakes of the University of Texas or the nearby Lake Canyon create an excellent setting for romantic walks. There are more bachelors in San Marcos than engaged people, and despite a large number of students, there are quite a few locals between the ages of 21 and 35. The use of online dating services and related applications is not as prominent in the city as compared to other cities on this list, but it is still higher than the average for the United States. Single people here enjoy dancing, playing pool, and hanging out at nightclubs more often than most Americans. And although there are plenty of discos, bars, and restaurants in San Marcos, many city residents go to the nearby city of Austin (30 minutes north) in search of places to have fun.

7. Melbourne, Australia

best cities for single men

Melbourne today is a vibrant metropolis. This city can rightly be considered the sports capital of Australia. Also, there are quite a few holidays, festivals, and carnivals celebrated here every year. The Melbourne Zoo is the oldest zoo of the Australian continent, and it is located just a few miles from the center of Melbourne. Today it is a large territory with a picnic area and flower meadows, lots of places to hang out at. And, in general, Melbourne is probably the best city for dating in Australia, the nightlife here is quite busy, and the percentage of single people is quite high as well.

8. Miami Beach, FL

Singles of Miami Beach believe that the situation with dating in the city is fascinating and intimidating at the same time, but in general, it is a good place to find a partner. A large number of single people live in the city, which is why it is on this list. For many years, Miami Beach has also been listed in the rankings of the best cities in the U.S., despite the reputation for being a place full of frivolous men and women who are more concerned with getting a perfect tan or having a great party than searching for a partner. And although such people exist, they are not the majority. Naturally, in some nightclubs, those who seek casual connections are snooping around, but there are many other places in the city where to meet a partner, you don’t need to buy expensive drinks in the dim light.

9. Ypsilanti, MI

Ypsilanti, Michigan, is experiencing the influx of young and creative people today, making it one of the best cities for singles, especially those who love the creative atmosphere of a small town. The number of young single people is also growing due to the increase in the cost of living in nearby Ann Arbor, which is why many of its residents fled to Ypsi (as it is often called). This growth, as well as the progressive planning of the city’s authorities, helped Ypsilanti become a more vibrant and desirable habitat between Detroit and Chicago in the past 10 years.

10. Hoboken, New Jersey

Singles in Hoboken, New Jersey use online dating services twice as often as other cities in the United States. So the lack of virtual dating in Hoboken is not a problem, and it is easy to continue relationships in reality since the historical areas of the city with their shops, restaurants, and places for parties create an excellent atmosphere for communication. Here lives a large number of single people seeking relationships, which also makes Hoboken one of the best cities for singles. More than half of the population of Hoboken are single, and almost half of all residents are between 21 and 35 years old. In 2010, the W Hotel hosted the biggest blitz-dates event when about 400 men and women visited the event. Hoboken is also considered to be one of the best cities for university graduates.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are a lot of great cities for single people. There are some defining characteristics of success of a city when it comes to being favorable for single people. We’ve listed some of the worst and best cities for dating. So, what are you waiting for? Find a city that will suit you and start dating right now!

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