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One small phrase can make a Ukrainian woman think you are such an idiot. Fortunately, there is a second one – a second chance, so to speak.

Why Second Dates are More Important than the First


We go through so much on our first date. However, the time, we spend after it is even more important. It is just impossible to get rid of all the thoughts after you started dating a Ukrainian girl. And you know what, there is no need to do it. It is just fine to analyze your fist date, especially if you like the woman a lot. This is an essential thing to do before going on your second date. While on the first date we try to see if we really like the Ukrainian girl, we asked out yesterday, on the Second date we really enjoy spending time together.

By the way, researchers claim that people who want to go into some serious relationships tend to give the second chance more. This may help a Ukrainian girl to make sure that she was right about you and there is no sense to continue seeing each other OR to realize that you are a great man, who was a little bit nervous during the first date and, maybe, tried to attract you too hard.

The second date is a great time when the couple realizes that they are a couple. They are not afraid to talk some serious things over. They are likely to be more open-minded, as well as open-hearted. Such conversations make it easier to understand if you want to go on a third, fourth and fifth date with this Ukrainian girl.

Dating a Ukrainian woman brings some specific issues, you need to keep in mind if you want to make it and take her out on a second date. Note that your first date should include the following things:

  • Dinner and beverages. If you did not include this one, there may be no second date at all
  • Dinner in a restaurant. Good food is a guarantee you’ll make it at least one more time
  • Cocktails. You’ll meet her again if you are lucky.
  • Desserts. Scientists say that eating sweets often leads to the development of relationships.


Second date questions

Add some politics and culture. The discussion on political and cultural views gives you more detailed information about each other. You’ll make sure that both of you are following word’s breaking news and vectors.

Show that you are smart and funny. It will increase your chances immediately.

Be open-hearted and open-minded. Forget about all the advice on the matter of being intriguing and mysterious. That was for your first date only. Your second date trigger is your honesty but not the desire to seem better than you really are.

Mind her subconscious signs

  • If your Ukrainian lady starts speaking louder from time to time during your second date, it means she is excited about you.
  • If you are laughing at the same jokes, it guarantees you a great romantic relationship.

Don’t worry about small things

Second date kiss – does not actually matter.

Second date sex – does not actually matter.

Who pays for the bill – does not actually matter.

What matters is considering some good second date ideas if you want everything to go smooth. It won’t be difficult because you have got to know her a little bit on the first date. Now, simply google second date ideas or second date tips and chose the one she will like (or you both will like, better to say).

Finally, you should keep in mind that going on a second date is essential even if there was no spark on the first one. Many single people do not expect to feel the connection during their first date and that is pretty normal. Don’t be afraid or too pessimistic about it. Give it a shot!

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