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In fact, it is not so difficult to become a participant of threesome as it seems. It is much more difficult to maintain relationships and health after such experiments, and, of course, not to lose dignity. Do not forget that sex is not a perversion at all, it's just a damn pleasant act in support of human polygamy and a break in the usual patterns of society.

Random sex, constant relationships, one-time experiments or a long game - all this brings pleasure to those who are ready for this. Lovers of threesome say that if you try it for the first time, you most likely want to repeat the experiment. Many cannot even imagine their intimate life without threesome sex at least several times a year. So ask yourself: Are you ready to get to know your sexuality closer? If this is not a problem, well, enjoy reading and have successful erotic experiments!

threesome positions

What Is a Threesome and What to Do in It

So what is a threesome? This is what all men are dreaming about and what many girls secretly think about. According to the research of German sexologists, about 74% of heterosexual men have sexual fantasies with two women; every third woman also dreams of having sex with two men.

In heterosexual couples the initiator of the decision of sex three is twice as likely to become a man as a woman, respectively, the woman becomes the third partner in 70%. In 40% of cases, a woman remains unhappy after a threesome, while at the same time, if a woman refuses to have a threesome sex, 12% of men try it on the side.

More common is sex involving one man and two women. In this scenario, a man has a purely heterosexual role, while he can observe the lesbian caresses of two women. The combination of two men with one woman is less common. So what to do in a threesome? In any case, threesome sex allows partners to satisfy their bisexual fantasies and needs.

Let’s speak about some basic threesome rules first. It is very important that not only the guy, but also the girl likes the partner because we are all bisexuals in our souls. The only taboo is friends and good acquaintances. It should be familiar but not close to you people with whom you rarely meet, but at the same time you are fairly confident in their decency. If your first experience is successful, then do not stop at one partner, do not get used to her or him and create a psychological connection, so that at some point the regular partner does not become excessive participant of this little orgy. It is what sometimes happens in a threesome. Finding a suitable third partner for so piquant undertaking is very difficult. If you are looking for a person on the side, know that 30% of strangers are thieves. So, do not forget about caution and make an improvised casting for potential third side of a threesome.

Serving two girls at the same time is not so easy as it seems at first glance. Alcohol surplus, sleepless night, stress, self-doubt or simply a banal inconvenience from changing a condom - all this can play cruel joke with a man. kamasutra threesomeTake good care of a good rest beforehand, exclude stresses and get distracted from problems at work, refrain a few days from sex. Sex-diet will also not be superfluous: eat parsley, walnuts, dried apricots, celery and other male gastro-joys. Create a traditionally favorable atmosphere for sex: light music, alcohol, candles or muffled light. You can also start with viewing a light erotic movie or telling a piquant story.

You need to understand for yourself and explain to partners that the upcoming event is only entertainment, a physiological pleasure that has nothing to do with feelings. Therefore, your beloved girl should not worry, and the third party should not count on anything. Before the experiment, discuss with the other half how far you can go in sex. You can even come up with a secret word, a stop signal, if something goes wrong. Trying a threesome, do not forget that everyone gathered here for mutual satisfaction, this means that one should not get involved in caresses and pleasures, forgetting about the third participant. It will be unpleasant both for the guy and for the girl and can become the reason for insults and jealousy. All three participants of threesome should be active, for this all partners should be attractive and sexy for each other.

Safety Rules

For a man, threesomes are absolutely safe, but for girls mixing their fluids is not that good. The fact that the FFM sex must be practiced in a condom is understandable, but do not forget that every girl wants you to take on a new condom. Since condoms are, unfortunately, a one-time thing, you will have to stock up enough and change the "elastic friend" with each change of partner.

It's only in porn beautiful and young people have sex for a long time, with anyone and without consequences. In reality FFM is a serious reason for the weaker sex to pick up a venereal disease.

Best Sex Positions for a Threesome

Before you start a threesome, you, as the initiator of the whole action, need to take care of all the organizational aspects. The most important of these is to draw up an approximate list of threesome positions. Do not think that a threesome is very easy. If you think that in this case you do not need to show imagination, then you are very mistaken. In any case, we have compiled for you a list of poses that will perfectly suit both beginners at threesome as well as experienced people.

Penis and Fingers Tandem

If you need some classic threesome sex positions, this one is good. This type of coition is perhaps the most common among beginners in group sex and among not very liberated partners, in view of the fact that it is close to traditional forms of intercourse and to satisfy all participants it is not necessary to apply oral sexual caresses. People who first decided to try group sex should start from this position.

The first and most common option is the one where both girls stay in doggy style or on all fours in front of a man. He satisfies one of them with a penis, and the other one with the second hand penetrating his fingers into her genitals, swapping them during the process of sexual intercourse.

It is also possible that the second girl is located in front of the first, enjoying the penis of a man. In this case, she needs to caress her clitoris with her fingers. The first girl kisses her and caresses her breasts with her mouth. In this case, the man also should not forget about the second partner, periodically swapping them.

FFM threesome positions Two Riders

And at once two best threesome positions, looking similar at first sight. In the first, the girls kneel over the man on the back - one settles on his hips, the second - over the face, exposing the sexual organs for oral sex. The first is pleased by the male penis, the second - by the tongue.

In the second variant, a girl lies on her back, and a friend sits over her face, while the man occupies the "traditional" place between the legs. In this case, as in the first, one rider and another rider can face each other to caress and kiss each other.

Flexible and sufficiently high "riders" manage to give each other caresses and kisses, but it is important to constantly monitor contact with the one who lies at the bottom, especially if the girl who is caressed by the mouth is not miniature.

Chain Pose

The first of the girls lying on her back takes oral caresses from her friend, who is sitting between her legs in the position of "doggy style", and a man gets in front of the seductively upraised ass of the second girl. The girl number one will have to lie on her back or sit down, with her legs wide spread, and her partners - to settle in front of her.

Also, the first girl who is orally caressed can be placed on the edge of the bed, the table and another suitable piece of furniture if the other two competitors instead of the "doggy-style" position want to do it on all fours.

This position is suitable for vaginal and anal intercourse, and each of the partners gets their own kind of pleasure - purely passive, passive with active and active-visual. It is a kind of kamasutra threesome for gourmets.


One of the poses for group sex is often used as foreplay: the man stands spreading his legs, and two girls are sitting at his feet doing blowjob and rimming. The position allows them to caress each other with hands. This can be particularly recommended to a man who does not have an erection fast enough. Such caress will turn on also the most tired person, and then he can make his friends happy at the same time - with a penis and a hand or tongue, or alternately, as it is possible.

These are not all FFM threesome positions, but some may be close to those already described.

And now let’s check some MMF threesome positions. The intimate interaction of a girl with two men is slightly more limited in positions, although it provides more opportunities to satisfy a girl without compromising the enjoyment of men. But men should be especially cautious, especially with simultaneous penetration, and also more attentive to the well-being of the partner or to give her greater freedom of action. For example, it is recommended to engage in vaginal and anal sex only if the girl already has some experience of anal sex, and men are ready to behave carefully, in order not to cause severe pain and not to cause injury.

trying a threesome​Double Fixing Standing or on All Fours

This is how one of the classic poses for group sex looks exactly in this combination: the classic "doggy-style", but the second man is ahead of the girl and allows to caress his penis with her lips.

It is important in this position that both men follow the amplitude of their movements, and the one who is ahead should be especially careful, and the one behind should hold the partner by the hips so as not to move her too much forward. But a sufficiently experienced girl will be able to give both partners a lot of pleasure, both physical and aesthetic (the spectacle is very exciting), and fully enjoy herself.

Double Fixation Lying Down

Two men can have sex with a girl vaginally and orally as in a doggy style position, and putting the partner on the back. To ease the oral penetration, you can try to put the girl so that her head hangs from the edge of the bed, and one of the men stands on the floor on his knees in front of her face.

Wife Wants to Try a Threesome: What to Do

What happens when a wife tries threesome? She wants more! But only in that case when her first threesome experience was pleasant. So you should be sure, that it is what you both exactly need. Try to find out, why she is thinking about it. In most cases, women just want to take revenge on their husbands. There are also cases when women dream of threesome but when it comes to real life, they are not ready for it.

Ask her, what if trying a threesome she would suddenly realize that all this stuff is completely disgusting to her? If you hear in response a confident "then it will be so", then your wife's intentions are really serious. If you do not mind, you can start looking for a second partner.

When wife wants to try a threesome, it does not mean that you must want it too. If you have any doubts, just don’t do that. As practice shows, such threesomes are beginnings of the end of the marriage.

But there are cases when couple tries threesome and this is the new beginning of their love story. This is the power of the new sexual experience - it can both create and destroy. Therefore, before asking yourself should I try a threesome, figure out the reasons why you or your wife need it. If the decision to have threesome is ill-considered, no one in your couple will have fun, but someone can easily get a psychological trauma.

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