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The male should strive for sex with younger and stronger females by definition. However, in the human environment, this does not always happen. For example, recently there appeared the tendency towards young men wanting sex with mature women. Why?

First, let's define the term "mature woman". At what age is a woman considered mature? It is considered that a woman reaches maturity during the fourth ten years. That is, at the age of 35-40 a woman can safely be called mature. So, we will discuss all the details about sex with these ladies.


General Advice

Before talking about mature women sex, you need to make sure that you can just communicate with women who are much older than you. Otherwise, all our advice will be useless because no woman will want to spend the night with you if you cannot charm her. And in the case of older Russian ladies, it will be a little more difficult but at the same time more interesting.

So, here are 7 rules of communication with a woman who is older than you:

1. Do not try to seem older than you are. You attracted her not by maturity, so you do not have to pretend that you are more ancient than our Universe. Behave naturally.

2. But do not be a child, constantly telling her that she is older, wiser, and generally has much more experience. Believe me, she will not like it. Ladies expect even very young people to be real men, not small helpless babies who need to be led around by the hand.

3. Say more compliments on her appearance. Young girls are afraid that men see in them only beautiful bodies and are not interested in their deep soul and powerful intellect. Adult ladies do not want to be loved only for their brains and life experience - it's not very flattering to them. But adult women accept compliments on beautiful eyes, legs, and waist with a big pleasure.

4. Before inviting her to a club, to roll on roller skates, or jump on the couch, soberly assess her physical abilities. At thirty and even forty, a woman can look supernaturally young, but it's not the fact that she will be able to dance to the compositions of a DJ in a smoky night-club for five hours. But pride will prevent her from admitting it.

5. Do not try to introduce her to your company. If you choose a society for joint get-togethers, then let her invite her friends. She will feel quite comfortable with them, and she will even get the idea that she is considered a seducer of minors. Among your peers, she will feel herself much more uncomfortable.MATURE-COUPLE-KISSING

6. Let her take the lead in bed. She already knows exactly what she wants, and under her command you will achieve pleasure much faster. And you, quite probably, will learn something new about sex.

7. If your non-committed relationship suddenly began to grow into something more serious, be prepared for the fact that she will seem to you colder, more distant, and indifferent than your contemporaries. With age, feelings begin to be treated carefully, and words - much more carefully because both of them suddenly begin to possess a great power.

Having a Great Sex with Russian Women: Tips and Hints

Surely you've heard that Russian girls love and know how to have sex. And what about ... sex with mature Russian women? The skill of these ladies goes beyond the bounds of the natural ... only if they are in skillful hands. In order for your lady to show everything she is capable of, you need to follow the rules of communication we wrote about above. In addition, there are a few more tips using which you will discover sex with Russian women from completely new sides. So, here are our little secrets about mature women and sex:

1. Be liberated. Adult women love hot sex. Adult Russian women love not just hot but very hot sex. Your lady must see that you are ready for that. So, do not behave like a young lover who has finally reached a much-desired body. Show that you also know something about sex and she will answer you with a double strength and desire.

2. Use a lubricant. Sex in forties requires it because of female physiological features. There is nothing reprehensible with this. In addition, your adult girlfriend is likely to admire your prudence and will not even consider taking offense. If she has enough wisdom, of course. The results of many studies lead to the same conclusion: people who regularly use lubricants experience more pleasure from sex. Feel free to experiment with different types of lubricants from different manufacturers - by finding the "one", you will regret not having done this before.

3. Listen to her. Love and emotional intimacy play a significant role in achieving orgasm. Especially in sex after forty. This is not new to you, right? And for the formation of emotional intimacy, you want an intimate, trusting environment. You have to start to build it before you cross the threshold of the bedroom: ask the girlfriend  how her day was and do not reduce everything to empty chatter. Make her feel that she is so close to you that you are ready to really listen to her even after sex.

4. Trust her. Experienced women know how to have sex at 40 properly. Your girlfriend can help you give her the maximum pleasure. And the fact that your woman is in a deep sexual ecstasy due to your actions is the best stimulus for a powerful and vivid orgasm.

5. Do not neglect foreplay. Preparation for the special operation is the key to the success of the special operation. This rule, authored by one far-sighted marine, is also applicable to sex. Surely, you've heard a hundred times about the importance of foreplay to achieve orgasm by a woman. But do you adhere to it unswervingly? If not, then it's time to start. Adult Russian women are very fond of preliminary caresses. Without them, sex will be inadequate. Keep it in mind, buddy.

In Conclusion

No rules will work if your intentions towards girls or women are insincere. Do not treat everything written above as the only correct instruction. Follow your heart and your dreams will come true!

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