If you are one of those people who still don’t understand why nerds are considered the best partners, let us enlighten you! They are quite popular in society today. These are not those inconspicuous people. Today they are geniuses. Do you understand? Geniuses! Nerds not only extol the mind over the futility of life but also earn good money, as they make a career in high-paying industries. But, most importantly, this is that they can build much stronger relationships comparing to others.
What’s it like dating a nerd?
Nerds are people involved in science. It is rather their lifestyle. Do you remember your school and student years? Surely, in your friendly and cheerful team, there was a lonely person with books at hands who gave the answer to any question. That’s what they are – nerds!
How do they look like?
What can attract such a bright and stylish person like you to such an ordinary-looking man or woman? Yes, maybe such people look strange: old jeans or skirt, a sweater knitted a decade ago with the caring grandmother’s hands, a simple shirt, dirty sneakers or old-fashioned shoes. Such people wear glasses very often because of the incessant absorption tons of books and articles on the Internet. The appearance of a nerd may be not so attractive. But any nerd will be unspeakably happy if a girl or a guy like you pays attention to him/her. And, therefore, love and worship will be provided to you. And clothes can be changed at any time, right?
What is their attitude towards their loved ones?
Nerds are usually monogamous. Moreover, they are very willing to be led by a loved person, so you can easily turn your nerd who adores scientific researches into a world-class professor or academician. They, as a rule, are completely absorbed by science and passionately surrender to it. By the way, such integrity and passion can be very useful in the bedroom – a nerd will be happy to give you all love and affection he or she hasn’t spent during the years of intensive study. Yes, they unlikely can do something romantic for your sake, but they can open a new star and give it your name.
How to change a nerd?
And what’s stopping you from making a nerd an attractive person? Take your loved one by the hand to your favorite clothing store and imagine that you are a stylist! You can make your nerd the best person ever. All your friends will envy you. In general, nerds are the perfect match for bright, stylish and creative people. Just try to change what you don’t like in them and your efforts will certainly recoup!
Benefits of dating a nerd.jpg)
Most people want to see a modest, interesting, loving, capable and responsible soul mate next to them. But you know what? Nerds are the very thoughtful, lovely, self-respecting people. But they often don’t show it. In general, nerds are good not only as friends, but they are also good for romantic relationships. You just need to give them a chance to open up!
They perceive a relationship seriously. If you are thinking why you should date a nerd, then at least for this. There are certain types of people who are serious about future family and nerds are usually among them. They value their soul mates more because they admire the partners’ choice. They are obedient.
They value devotion like no other. We all appreciate devotion to a certain extent, but these people are more principled in this matter. Perhaps, they have few friends and that is why they are very devoted to them.
They are smart and use it in everyday life. Not all of them are bookworms. Many have huge life experiences.
They take good care of their loved ones. We don’t say that, for example, athletes will not take care of you. Of course, they will. They are more courageous physically, and this, of course, is great. But nerds are more thoughtful, sweet, and sincere.
They can be changed. What person will miss the chance to change a partner? Most nerds don’t pay attention to their wardrobe, but a little effort and shopping, and your nerd will become the best person for you.
10 interesting facts about dating a nerd
If you are faced with the choice of whether to date this strange, clever person or not, think about this:
1. They are wonderful companions. If you are one of those people who value communication more than hot sex, then nerds are just for you. We don’t say that sex with them will be boring. It all depends on a particular person.
2. They don’t pretend. They just say what they want and what they don’t want. No games and puzzles. Everything is clear with them.
3. They like to find solutions. If a nerd is able to comb through the mountains of literature to deal with a computer error, then it will not make it difficult for him or her to spend the evening on resolving your relationship problem.
4. They have one or two things that they are just crazy about. How can you trust people who don’t have goals and hobbies? These people know what passion is. Even if it is a passion for Star Wars.
5. They are creators. People do a lot of destructive stuff. And nerds, meanwhile, are passionate about their projects, inventions. They bring something new, beautiful and exciting into the world and relationships.
6. They have a great sense of humor. Many of these people are shy, but as soon as they get into a comfortable environment for themselves, they start to amaze with sarcasm, nice humor, and funny frankness. They can make you laugh. Most of the people are proud of their sense of humor and often show it.
7. They love new technologies. Don’t be surprised when your nerd will give you unusual present or will want to try some new gadget in bed.
8. They know everything. With them, you will not be lost in a difficult situation because they know everything in the world and how to get out of it.
9. They learn quickly. While the others were trying to build something like a relationship, nerds read dozens of articles (on female and male physiology and anatomy) and watched hundreds of films. So, there is no need to explain anything for a long time – they know everything.
10. They don’t flirt with others. The thing is that real nerds have socialization skills below average. No, they are not mentally retarded. They just think before they say or do something.
Tips for dating a nerd
If you met a person, you liked him or her, but after a while, you realized that he or she was a nerd – don’t rush to run away, but try to improve your coexistence with a person. And here are the tips for dating a nerd.
1. Support their ideas and hobbies. This is the first and most important nerd dating advice. For your chosen one, this hobby is studying or one of its directions. He or she is ready to sit for hours with books, solve problems or derive formulas and prove theorems. You can live with it. It is just necessary to work out a certain pattern of your actions:
First, try to find out from your loved one how his/her parents relate to these hobbies. If they share all the activities of their son or daughter, then don’t try to replace hobbies with parties, cafes or friends. This may lead parents to the idea that you are not a suitable candidate for their son or daughter, hindering him or her from learning and building own destiny. Therefore, try to behave with them affably and maintain conversations on different topics.
If parents themselves are already tired of repeating to their nerd about the benefits of fresh air and the need to communicate with their peers, then boldly say something like: “Today is wonderful weather outside” or “What a wonderful band is playing in the nearest club”. You should come up with interesting nerd date ideas. Thus, you immediately manage to kill two birds with one stone: parents like you and you are on the same wave with them. Spend more time with your loved one. After all, according to the general opinion, you can’t harm him or her with your presence.
2. Be patient. How to date a nerd? Remember that nerds, as a rule, are not well adapted to domestic life. They are used to the fact that breakfast is ready in the morning, the shirt is ironed, the shoes are polished, and the shampoo and soap in the bathroom never end or appear there completely independently. This just needs to get used to. It can be extremely hard to try to remake a nerd. Believe me, he or she can easily prove theorems, but interaction with an iron or a gas stove and a frying pan can cause them difficulties.
3. Try to determine the degree of enthusiasm for a particular science of your loved one. If your soul mate plans to receive the Nobel Prize in a certain sphere, then maybe there is no need to interfere in his endeavors. Let your partner dig in the books, sit in the library, write clever articles, and go to lectures. After all, as a rule, nerds deny the existence of love as such, calling it only a chemical reaction. They have a detailed plan and goals for life, and there may be no place for relationships and creating a family. Well, if your significant other watches the life of insects today, and a month ago, he or she was very keen on solving mathematical problems, then you can safely enter yourself in the schedule of observations and research and spend more time together. Perhaps, you too can get carried away by some science or a book.
4. Show them a new world of pleasure. We can’t forget about sex. After all, you can open to your nerd the world of new sensations and fantasies, make them relax and surrender to the senses. All this will help with strengthening a relationship. Don’t laugh at them if they don’t know how to take care and behave in bed. Help them to gain confidence. It is necessary that they learn to trust you. This is how to date a nerd girl or a guy.
Nerd dating sites
You can’t even imagine the variety of choices modern dating sites can offer. Dating services are equally in demand by both men and women. In modern conditions, when we don’t have a single free minute, dating sites can really help single hearts find each other. And here are the best nerd dating sites.
1. Nerd Dating Service. This is the best nerd dating site. It attracts many people because it is convenient and free. On this site, there is also an opportunity to look for people without registration. Choose your dating format right now and enjoy new bright unforgettable emotions.
2. Nerd Dating Site. If you want to become a happy person and can’t find your soul mate in everyday life, then you should pay attention to the modern, effective and well-proven way – search through specialized Internet sites. Among the popular projects of online dating, there is the newest, most modern nerd dating website. Here you have high chances to meet for free with people looking for the same things.
3. Nerd Passions. This is a nerd dating site for serious relationships, for those who are in search of romantic relationships, friendly affection, or simply non-binding chatting. Sign up and find a couple in a few minutes!