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Ukrainian women are a powerful magnet that daily attracts thousands of international men of all ages to Kyiv, Odesa, Lviv, Dnipro. Girls from Ukraine topped Daily Mail’s sexiest nation in the world chart.

ukrainian dating

Dating sites & forums of all calibers have extensive threads on dating women from Ukraine praising their physical and moral qualities. Embassies world over keep granting Ukrainian ladies fiancé visas in disproportionate quantities – being solid statistical proof of the demand for this quality marriage material.

Not only were those chicks stunning enough to attract the foreign gents in the first place, but they were also smart & loyal enough for the guys to face and fight all the red tape to take them home to the USA. But ‘nuff of the boring statistical stats, ma men. Let’s open the curtains of the empirical wisdom collected from dozens of male expats and tourists in the pubs of Kyiv: by yours, humbly.

Why Are Ukrainian Women So Beautiful?

Long story short, Ukraine is not only the biggest country in Europe [Crimea included of course], but it’s pretty much at the center of Europe. Fun Fact: One of the claimants of the geographical midpoint of Europe is physically located in Ukraine, in Rakhiv town, BTW.

So, from ancient times, its geographical location in the middle of everything allowed quite some gene pool to mix with the nation. Historically, the country was under the Austria-Hungarian regime, Poland, Germany, Soviets to name just a few of the influences. On the other hand, a major Ukrainian marriage tradition is also to blame for the beautiful nation:

The sinister Pumpkin on the threshold [not Halloween-related]

The Pumpkin as the “Nah” to the unloved marriage proposal. This is a HUGE deal in the formation of Ukrainian ladies as species and their character. If you are as much as considering to date a Ukrainian girl, read on and thank me later. In most of the Slavic nations, Dad was the head of the family. He would boss around all the way and they would pick the husbands for their daughters. BUT. Only in Ukraine, the girls had the right to veto Dad’s choice by putting a pumpkin on the threshold. So “to get a pumpkin” is still an idiom meaning to be rejected by a girl in terms of serious relations. It is embedded in the DNA of Ukrainian women, that they will abide by the men – as long as they have a say in choosing that same very man. You can imagine, that it was another filter how the handsome-looking guys had bigger chances to have kids in Ukraine centuries ago.

What Qualities Make A Ukrainian Bride An Ideal Choice?

The list goes on. My Kyiv pub interviewees were pretty much in agreement on the following aspects:

dating women from Ukraine1. Drop-dead gorgeous. Everywhere. So many.

2. Feminine. Even if they had some imperfections naturally, girls will try to compensate for it with makeup and playing with style. High heels are the second nature for many.

One of the guys I met in the Irish pub above Maidan in Kyiv, said his Ukrainian girlfriend felt uncomfortable in flat shoes. As in experiencing bigger physical discomfort in flats over high heels. Yep. Not unusual in this country of too many choices. When she joined us, she confirmed this theory, joking, that she was coming out of her mama with high heels first. Pretty funny too.

3. Happy to be led. As in actively looking for a leader in their lives, the guy who will take care of her and the kids, when the time comes and she is not anymore good to help hunt the bison for dinner. On the same note, they are pretty independent – see the story about the ruthless pumpkin-giving tradition above. It's like, as soon as you deserve her trust as a provider, she will happily entrust all the major strategic decisions into your hands and will support and follow gladly.

4. They heard a thing or two about cooking. If you are into home cooking for all the right reasons, Ukraine is the place to pick a wife from. For all the right reasons we mean a balanced diet, controlled ingredients, freshness, and the environmental impact of food delivery. Being unable to afford eating out and an occasional takeaway is not the right reason. Let's admit it, British, German, American cuisines are pretty dull. Mediterranean nations and French knew how to mix a few ingredients, true that.

In Ukraine, cooking was preconditioned by 4 factors:

  • fertile soil and quality ingredients;
  • severe winters with the need for preserves and hearty foods;
  • public demonstration of cooking skills every so often, as people used to hang out together and organize big parties for every occasion – so being the Master Chef of the Village was an honor everybody kept polishing their cooking skills for. Recipes were a family secret back then.
  • resourcefulness in the absence of expensive ingredients [did you know, that delicious borsch can be made out of thin air, cabbage and beetroot?]

5. Survivalists. Being able to adapt is of great quality. Many western nations are now too spoilt by democratic ways and abundance everywhere. The poorest people in Western Europe have to survive on like 1000 EURO a month. The average salary in Ukraine is like 250 EUROs. So if you are looking for an optimist, who will survive despite, Ukrainian women are the way to go.

Single Women In Ukraine: why are there so many of them?

During World War 2 it was not uncommon that the soldier returning to a village was "servicing" several households in the village.

  • Women suffered, but they understood the deficit and its horrific reasons.
  • Ever since then the attitude toward men as something to fight for was being formed and instilled in the nation.
  • Nowadays, there is still imbalance in terms of gender population in Ukraine, so men are of value.

Many of my pub respondents reported whooping popularity levels on dating websites and apps. They said they felt like Arab kings and thought that the Tinder algorithm broke for the first week or so. Then they got used to so much demand and keep this country of too many choices to themselves. Never share the experience with buds. Mum's the word. Selfish bastards.

Myths About Ukrainian Women

They are obedient and submissive

Again, the pumpkin story, guys. They do have character. But once she knows you are the alpha guy she has been looking for, this is it, there is no going back and force in the power struggle. Ukrainian ladies will expect a respectful attitude though.

They hardly speak English

Many of the Ukrainian women looking for marriage will have started learning English alright. Look for them on the dating websites. With YouTube classes and free language apps, this is not unusual to find beautiful Ukrainian women As young as 20 and as seasoned as 40 speaking solid English.

Attitude Towards Family Matters

Those looking for Ukrainian women for marriage should expect to devote quite some time to family. It may not necessarily be work-related or stressful, but the expectation is that you will spend time together as a family. In the evenings as well as during weekends.

dating women from UkraineIf you never heard of the Ukrainian community in your town, once you marry a Ukrainian, you will find out they are lots. Get ready for some visits. Children as well as parents are sacred or near that and should be treated with the utmost respect. Depending upon where a girl comes from, you may find some old school tricks in the upbringing of a child, so make sure to bring about the corrections if you deem necessary.

One of the Sussex guys I interviewed, when prepping this piece, admitted that he had his Mom-in-law visiting twice a year staying for a few months. But she was a great help when kids were small, babysitting them all the time. With a 3-bedroom house it’s a non-issue and pretty convenient, he admitted. The housework is more than halved when she stays over. And all the homemade cooking. Yum.

What Ukrainian Women Are In Sex, Relationships Etc

As in any nation, they are different depending on a myriad of factors: some are provincial, others are advanced; some are shy, others are open-minded; some are wild, others need to be educated. There is no one-suites-all descriptive for all tens of millions of Ukrainian ladies. But. They do like flowers and romance.

This is something that all of my pub crawl respondents mentioned: flowers work time after time. They are a MUST [sorry for shouting, but this pretty much reflects the scale of the matter] for the first date, they are great when you screw up and they keep things sentimental now and then. Romantic Panacea.

Flowers? Yes, please. Never too much. Gifts? The expectation is that when a relationship gets serious, you will want to present something here and there – as you grow into a couple where you are a provider. As in getting her a new handbag when hers is showing signs of aging or getting her a smartphone if hers looks like an iPhone 1 or 2 and you have the latest one.

Nothing too extravagant though. If she keeps hinting at buying things excessively – run. There are ladies like that in every nation, you don’t have to suffer extortion. There are plenty of ladies with normal expectations for a guy.

Why Do Ukrainian Women Seek A Man From Abroad?

Ukrainian guys are spoilt. We talked about the imbalance of gender in the population. A wife of a bloke I was chatting with confirmed: Girls like being appreciated. When she traveled abroad, she would get so much attention wherever she went: to Champ Elise or Trafalgar Square. She would be getting non-stop advances in cafes, on the street, etc.

While in her home town of Donetsk she was just a regular girl like many others. So a Ukrainian girl abroad feels like a foreign man in Ukraine, we concluded. The other theory, coming from another Ukrainian lady, a good friend of mine, is that the Soviet Union killed the initiative and entrepreneurship in men as species. As whatever job you had during the Soviet times, you were getting 120 roubles per month. So, a new generation is only learning how to be entrepreneurial.

Another friend of mine admitted that she thought everyone who speaks English is sexy. We both agreed it’s weird, but nonetheless, it’s real.

How To Date a Ukrainian Woman

Dating a Ukrainian woman is like dating any other lady in the world. Below is the summary of top tips provided by my pub crawl interviewees:

  • Stay romantic always – diners, rooftops, small surprises all do their magic.
  • Stay the alpha male you want to be for your feminine lady – even if you are not a confident guy, try it on – it may as well suit you.
  • Don’t rush things if you mean business – if you don’t mean business, it’s whatever 2 consenting adults are into.
  • Conspire with her girlfriends to find out what she likes – girls are the best to come up with romantic ideas, use them, as they like to be used this way.
  • When the time comes, get ready to be introduced to family and charm your way out of them.

Cultural Differences

OK, first things first: if there is a language barrier, you should have patience and be full of determination to work through differences for a year or so.

The language barrier can be huge and it can be nothing

Steve said that his wife, Yulia, had a vocabulary of a 2-year-old when she arrived in the UK. She spoke fluent badass East Enders accent in less than a year. With a glottal stop in her water and butter. OK, she was young then and she is a smart lady. But part of it is a full immersion into the country.

She had to survive as she came on a student visa to the country and she only met Steve after a year in the country. Steve is real short, like 1,55 cm, and by UK male beauty standards he was an unreplicatable specimen of a man. Unf&ckable too, as you can imagine.

They are happily married with 3 lovely kids now. Other cultural differences boil down to TV shows and books, that is not so difficult to catch up with the telly and YouTube.

Oh, yes. The New Year.

  1. There are 2 New years. Long story short. There is a New year and there is an Old New Year. Don’t ask. Just remember.
  2. A new year is more important than Xmas.


Ukrainians are celebrating 2 Xmases too: the Orthodox on the eve of 6th January and the regular Catholic one. The idea is to switch to the Catholic ultimately, but so far the Orthodox is holding strong.

How To Behave On A Date

date a Ukrainian womanUkrainian dating culture is pretty classical. With globalization expect less and less cultural differences anyway.

So the stages are:

  • Chemistry / butterflies / alcohol – they are interchangeable to the extent
  • Dinner date 1,2,3…
  • Sex
  • Depending on how it went on stage 3: another date or not.

As we have ascertained previously, do bring along flowers. They don’t have to be massive. A cute small bouquet is like 200 UAH – which is less than 10 bucks, so it should be OK for anyone. Be a real gentleman – this is an expectation from anyone who speaks English and you are representing a country or even a continent, so mind your manners.

Dating Ukrainian ladies is no rocket science – be yourself, your best confident, funny alpha self.

How To Meet Ukrainian Girls Online Safely?

“Ukrainian women for dating” is a search term that was used by millions of men. Hundreds of thousands of them ended up in Ukrainian cities looking for hookups, dates, or love. Tens of thousands are now happily married with half-Ukrainian kids running around the yards of Nebraska, Manchester, Toronto, and Naples.

Meeting Ukrainian brides is a possibility widely offered online these days in different forms. Online dating websites is one of the safest ways to meet a Ukrainian woman to marry for a few reasons:

  • They are actively looking for a relationship with a foreigner.
  • They are likely to know some English.
  • They are open and ready to date, marry, move countries.
  • They are available for chatting & video conferencing.
  • They would love to meet in person if all things smooth online.

Dating websites offer secure payments, reliable service, and safe travel arrangements. Dating apps are a great way too – Tinder is pretty popular in Ukraine. Most of the single ladies will have a profile there too. If you already travel to Ukraine anyway – checking out your options is a good idea. Western men find their popularity extremely unusually pleasing in Ukraine.

Find A Ukrainian Girl With Mariadating.Com

Now, that you had so many tips on dating a Ukrainian woman from my expat mates & tourists on a pub crawl in Kyiv, consider deep-diving into the adventure.

The search results landed you here on the MariaDating.com dating website for a reason, right? Could this be a sign?

Why not check out the extensive catalog of Ukrainian beauties of all ages and to every taste? See if one of these ladies catches your eye and take it from there. Secure payments, years of experience, and intuitive selection are designed to bring you closer to dating a very real Ukrainian girl, having done all the homework online – from the comfort of your home. The time to act is now. The journey is as much fun as the destination. Enjoy!

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