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There is a stereotype that people with disabilities should create a family only with people with disabilities. This opinion is wrong. It is already difficult to understand where it came from among the population, but unions of disabled and healthy people are not prohibited in any state laws. But still, what prevents people with disabilities from entering into relationships? Are healthy men and women ready to start a family with a disabled? How to eradicate discrimination in a relationship?

online dating for disabled

What’s it like dating a disabled person

Any relationship with a person with disabilities suggests the presence of strong love and feelings. Only such factors will allow going through all the problems and difficulties of living together with a disabled person.

The choice of a loved one is final and deliberate because dating a disabled person, you take a full responsibility for his or her current condition until the end of life. Due to the nature of the life of people with disabilities, you will have to take care of them, buy the right products, for example, wheelchairs are essential items for many people with disabilities.

Usually, the presence of a loved and loving person has a very beneficial effect on a disabled person. There are a huge number of cases where reliable support and love helped a disabled person cope with the disease or reduce its manifestations. There are even known cases of complete healing of people whom doctors predicted complete immobility of the joints.

Family life with a disabled person is an incredible responsibility that a healthy partner will have to take on. And you will have to take care not only of yourself and children but also of a loved one who is limited, as a rule, in motion. A relationship with a disabled person will be doomed to disintegration if a healthy person doesn’t show proper understanding and patience.

The healing of people with disabilities in a relationship based on love and patience occurs as a result of the appearance of plans and hopes for a bright future with a loving partner, especially in those families where a patient feels necessary. These factors add perseverance and strength to overcome the difficulties associated not only with the disease but also with life. For example, people with disabilities agree to risky operations that they couldn’t decide on until that time. They stubbornly undergo rehabilitation procedures, devote more time to physical exertion, which can eventually lead to the restoration of lost motor functions.

disabled singles dating Lonely people with disabilities are very often depressed because they don’t have a number of physical and moral support; they don’t have loved and close people for whom they want to become healthy. Therefore, lonely disabled people gradually weaken, significantly worsening their physical condition. If a person starts dating while disabled, it is much more likely that he or she will return to an active life. People just understand that they are not a problem for their loved ones.

Online dating for disabled: tips and advice

People that have some problems with health are full members of society. They also want to get acquainted with the opposite sex, start dating and have a family. And they do this largely with the help of the Internet. It is difficult for such people to get acquainted on the street for many reasons. Because of this, most people with disabilities don’t have friends and relationships. Online dating for people with disabilities will give you the chance to chat with people who have gone through the same circumstances, just like you, they also have physical limitations. Dating sites for people with disabilities will give you new friends, love, and a soul mate. So, what are the tips for dating a disabled girl or guy?

1. Register on one of the popular dating sites. If you want to start dating a disabled woman or man, then, first of all, you have to choose a good site. There are a lot of them on the Internet. Feel free to write true information about yourself, as well as post your own photos. Of course, your profile should attract the attention of the opposite sex. It is possible that people for whom the internal component of a person is more important than the external (limited ability) will want to know you better. In addition, the number of people with disabilities on dating sites is increasing every day, and you have every chance to meet a person with similar problems who will fully understand you.

2. Upload good photos. If you have reasons to hide your face, then you have the right to upload any picture that will characterize your interests or reflect your inner world. However, remember that if you post not your photo in your profile, then you will have to explain to every interested user why you use someone else’s photos. Honesty and openness are always more enjoyable.

3. Fill out your profile. The next stage of online dating for disabled people is the most difficult – the text in a profile. Different sites have different forms. But basically, you will be required to fill in the following data: about yourself, your parameters (height, weight, etc.), your interests and hobbies, and most importantly the country and city in which you live. In the column “About me”, someone writes poems or lyrics from songs (often unknown to others), someone patiently describes that he/she is wonderful and just super-cute, someone just describes own requirements point by point. In general, there can be anything you want. There is only one advice – don’t write too much (it will be tiring to read your description), but, nevertheless, write something, albeit a little, but interesting. And most importantly, write without mistakes. For this, simply check the written several times.

4. Never complain. NEVER complain to people that you are unhappy. You can never find a soulmate doing so. Even if someone gives their phone number, when you call them, they will always be busy for you. All this because you made a bad impression on people.

5. Don’t hurry. And this is the last advice on the issue of dating a disabled man or a woman. Your profile is ready, your photos are uploaded, and you are ready to rush into the ocean of new sensations and opportunities that a dating site provides you. But don’t hurry. Remember, it is very important what you say in response to the first “Hello” and that you yourself can write first. Any “How are you?”, “Hello!” or, moreover, frankly stupid winking and squinting eyes - all this is too banal and sad. Be original as much as you can afford. Originality doesn’t require large financial investments, just more creativity. There are many people who want to find love. And if you see a very attractive young girl, believe me, she receives a couple of dozens of greetings and “how are you” every day and she is no longer happy to respond to every such letter. So, stand out in a crowd. Be honest with yourself, treat others the way you want them to treat you and good luck will smile at you. You will find what you are looking for.

Best disabled dating sites

In our time, the Internet offers wide opportunities in terms of dating for disabled people. Many sites make dating easier for people with problems, including a variety of simple messaging functionality, personal photo uploads, and sophisticated filters that provide a user-friendly search for specific criteria. Now it is not necessary to look for acquaintances on the street, in the club or look for dating advertisements in newspapers. To do this, you need to have access to the World Wide Web and programs that allow you to browse the pages of websites. And the chance to get acquainted with people of the common interests is also higher. There are a lot of dating sites that allow people to make new acquaintances.

dating a disabled girlThey are divided into interests, goals of dating, and desired results. Many allow even a compatibility test. If the purpose of your stay on a dating site is to search for a companion of life, then you have all the chances to find the only person with whom your feeling can grow into a strong family relationship. Therefore, there are many examples and dating stories of happy couples on the Internet. Consider the main existing free dating sites for disabled people:

1. Disability Match

This is one of the best dating sites for disabled singles. The main idea of the project is to search for people in your city, search for spiritually close people and simply for communication and friendship. The site brings together people from all around the world. More than 10000 profiles can be found there.

2. MySpecialMatch

For dating, many people, including individuals with disabilities, use sites on the Internet. Why don’t you try this method of dating for people with disabilities? Just sign up for a serious dating site. That is MySpecialOne. Take a psychological test and then fill out a profile with information about what you like and dislike in people, as well as about many other things. There are interesting contests, useful news, entertaining articles, a job exchange for people with disabilities and the dating section!


This is also one of the most convenient and safe dating sites for disabled people. It is focused on finding only serious relationships and the system will find a match for you. You just need to choose the one with whom you can connect your life from the list of potential partners.

4. Disability Dating

We are all born for happiness. The main thing is not to despair, but feel free to begin the search for your soul mate. And this website wishes you only good luck in your search. There are also many interesting and lonely people on this site. And maybe this is the place where you will find your loved one.

5. Meet Disabled Singles

Few dating sites take into account the interests of people who are looking for partners for serious relationships. Meet Disabled Singles is a “smart” dating site that takes into account the interests of disabled people. This is not a site for chatting. On the contrary, it is a dating site for finding a life partner with a minimum of correspondence. You will find a soul mate as soon as possible and surely start dating after a few messages.

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