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You must have heard about the importance of following certain rules if you want to approach a certain girl. Yeah, this is pretty easy when you have rules to follow. However, the thing is that approaching a girl (I mean the successful one) usually happens against the existing rules. Don’t worry there are still some useful tips to become a better man and tips to get to know what Ukrainian girls like and how to impress them. So let’s get it started.

How To Approach a Real Ukrainian Girl

How to approach a date in order to make things work out?

Here is an interesting thing. Some dates happen to be successful and interesting and some dates are really boring and make you both feel uncomfortable and awkward. Now, if you want to know how to approach a Ukrainian woman, you need to analyze you past failures firs. I don’t encourage you thinking over your whole dating life story. Four or five recent dates will be enough. So what did go wrong? Did you blame yourself for whatever happened between you and your girl?

The vast majority of guys think that they were the reason for the bad date. They believe that if the girl is bored, they were boring or they picked the wrong place, perhaps the boring one. What is really wrong here is the approach they chose when asking a girl out on a date or, it’s better to say when dating a girl.

Imagine that date is a market. Now, who are you going to be?Do you want to sell yourself or be a sell-man? If yes, you are going to blame yourself for all things, going wrong during the date. That is why you should change your approach to dating Ukrainian girls. Approach yourself as a customer! This is pretty logical actually. You go on a date in order to find something you desire, don’t you? You are looking for someone specific, which means you have some qualities for a girl to possess listed (consciously or subconsciously).

Therefore, if any of the above-mentioned sounds like you, you need to stop concentration on yourself when dating Ukrainian women. It is obvious from the said above that the best way to approach a girl is to

be selfish about your purpose and stay confident

. Don’t make me wrong, I don’t want guys to be selfish about everything. Just keep in mind, if you want to find someone specific, you need to stop trying to please everybody else.


Being confident will also help those who are wondering about how to approach a girl in public. Try some exercise on a sense of humor development. The sense of humor is what makes men feel more confident, especially if they are thinking about how to approach a Ukrainian girl.

Another tip for those, who want to know how to approach a girl you like, is to look confident. Yeah, looking confident and being confident are different things. The first one is easy to achieve. All you need to do is to refresh your wardrobe. A stylish man automatically looks like a confident one. Thus, the answer on how to approach women (especially Ukrainian ones) question is simple – forget about trainers! They are great if you want to take your Ukrainian girl to a park, although they may spoil the impression if you are in a restaurant.

Be selfish and stay confident!

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