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I don’t want you to be confused with the title because there are definitely more than 10 reasons to get a Russian girl. I’ve come up here with the most interesting ones. So are you ready to make a legal and spiritual decision to spend the rest of your life together with your Russian spouse… and not to have sex with anyone else, ever?

10 Reasons to Get a Russian Girl

1. Russian girls are the best support system ever.

Russian girls for dating are just great when we speak about mutual things. Russian girls will do their best to make you happy, as long as you treat them right. It will be wrong to say that once you get a Russian girl, she becomes you best partner. The thing is that they are much more than that. They do all their best to be your life partner, lover, friend, and a mother. Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?

2. No judgment.

Meet a Russian girl, and you’ll see that they support their men everywhere. It does not matter, whether you are right or wrong, your Russian girl will be there for you and will support you, at least until you are with friends or relatives, or simply in public. You don’t have to worry about being embarrassed if you consider Russian women for dating. Find a Russian girl, and let her make you happy. It may sound weird but they don’t tell men about their weak points.

3. Russian girls focus on positives.

The thing is that they think positively in general and they do not consider their husbands’ weak points weak. In other words, instead of pointing out you are growing gut or suggesting you go for a run, your Russian girl is likely to say, “Wow, honey, thank you for going out of your way to make me relatively thinner.” Dating Russian women will prove you that they can find positive thing everywhere and use them to support you when you really need it, like in “Yeah, it was devastating when we lost everything in that fire, but it's kind of nice sleeping out here under the stars.” Pretty amazing, ha?

4. Who will take care of your children better than a Russian girl?

Get a Russian girl, and you will forget about babysitting issues and home tutors’ services. Russian women know how to cope with all their kids on their own. Besides, they enjoy spending time with kids. This is not only about playing and having fun with them but also about teaching and taking care of them. They will do absolutely everything for kids.

5. Russian women keep themselves fresh, even though they have 10 kids at home.

What is more, a Russian girl will dedicate her life to her husband and children, although it does not mean she will become a boring and depressing woman. Not even close! It is difficult to distinguish a mom among Russian women. This is because they are not slobs and they look nice and care for themselves. Imagine a mommy on high heels. Yeah, this is real. Russian moms always have a cared-for look.

6. Russian girl is a good-looking girl.

Could you imagine how much energy and time it takes for Russian women to look stunning all the time? I would say they spend hours doing perfect make-ups, hairstyles and picking stylish clothes. However, the big truth is they don’t. It takes about half an hour for a Russian girl to wear a make-up and put a dress on.

Another cute stereotype about Russian girls is they also spend hours in Spas and spend absence amounts of money on cosmetics. Not even close! The vast majority of Russian girls use natural ingredients available at any market for their home-made cosmetics. They prefer taking care of their skin and their appearance in general on their own, except perhaps haircuts. Every Russian woman knows, for example, how great it is for their hair to use yolk instead of regular shampoo. The same is about creams and masks, and even tonics.

7. Russian women fulfill your sex life.

If you have ever been dating Russian girls, you must have noticed that they take what they want from life. The same is about senior women. They simply don’t let their age get in the way. The key thing Russian women know about sex is that it makes a couple feel like they are meant to be together at any age. If you meet a Russian girl, ask her opinion on what makes relationships stable. A great number of girls will tell that it is sexual satisfaction, which makes a partnership stronger and relationships more stable.

8. Russian women are great psychologists.

Find a Russian woman and you will see that she sounds like a psychologist. They all do. It’s not about their job. The thing is that their mothers taught them how to be a wise girl. Russian women hand down this knowledge from generation to generation. Isn’t it great if your girl starts both her statements and complaints with “I love it when…” phrase? This is huge. I cannot imagine how much effort they put to say things the right way. Imagine, your girlfriend misses going on dates and having fun with you. In fact, there are two basic ways to say that. A girl either can tell you that you haven’t gone on a date recently or tell that she loves it when you go out together, saying that had so much fun and encouraging you to do it again. Your Russian girl will never blame you for being boring and will never complain about how you spend time. She is a psychologist. She will remind you how great it was when you did go out.

9. Russian women do not rebuff their husbands.

The thing is that Russian women are communicative and easygoing by their nature. It is just not natural for them to live their life separately from their spouses. Should not worry that about what she is doing or what she is onto. Your Russian girl won’t block you but will be excited to share her plans or ideas with you. The same is about fights. It is impossible to avoid quarrels or fights in a partnership. However, you can solve them easily and try to avoid them in future. Thus, if you had a fight with your Russian girl you would likely see her saying sorry and trying to talk things over. Russian girls hate being silent and hate expecting men to guess what the reason for the fight was. All they care about is how to make you live a happy life together.

10. The last but not the least is care.

It may sound funny and cute but Russian women enjoy making presents and bringing small gifts for other people, including their own husbands and children. It is the sweetest thing you can imagine about Russian girls. If you want to get a Russian girl, wait for your friends and relatives to comment on it. I bet someone will tell you soon that your girl is so caring and sweet. It is totally fine for a Russian girl to spend about 3 hours making a cake to give it to your friends when you visit them together.

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