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The first date is an important moment in the development of any relationship, which in most cases, determines whether you will continue to communicate with the girl you like in the future. Therefore, deciding what to do with a girl on the first date, you should consider this process and prepare well to make a favorable impression and achieve the desired result. Stop being nervous and asking friends, “What do you do on a first date?” Today you will learn the main tips on what to do on a first date with a girl so that she wants to see you again and go out on a second date.

what to do on a date

What to Do On A First Date?

Have you decided to ask a girl to go out on the first date? Now, it remains to determine where you will go and what to do. There are many options, but the first date should be memorable since you want to please your chosen one and show yourself to the best of your ability. There are the best ideas on what to do for a first date.

Cafe or restaurant

The first thing that comes to mind when you think about what to do on your first date is to communicate with a girl in a cafe or restaurant. In principle, this is a win-win situation, but only if you take into account some important points. First, this place should be decent, not a cheap eatery. Make sure in advance that the girl loves the cuisine offered by the cafe or restaurant. Secondly, take as much money as possible if you do not want to get into a ridiculous situation. Thirdly, it is desirable that you know at least the minimum rules of etiquette.

Amusement park

This is a great place for a first date. There are colorful balls, toys that you can win for your lady, cotton candy, and many attractions around. On the first date, you should not be bored in any way, and in the amusement park, there is no time to be bored. How can you get bored when there is so much entertainment? A roller coaster, bumper cars, room of horrors, and many different competitions and contests will make your date unforgettable. After all this, you can take a ride on the Ferris wheel, which offers a magnificent view of the city and gives an opportunity to share your impressions with each other.

Boat trip

A sparkling yacht, pleasant sound of water, light wind, strawberries, and champagne – it will be a very beautiful date that will surely impress the girl you like. The only thing that can spoil the evening is seasickness. To avoid embarrassment, try to find out in advance whether the girl suffers from this unpleasant disease.

Horse ride walk

Any girl will like such date because horses are amazing animals that usually give everyone a lot of positive emotions. Make sure that the girl gets a calm animal so that she does not fall off the horse. A walk in the fresh air will lift your spirits and make you both feel better. After the horses, drink wine in a quiet and cozy restaurant.

what to do on your first datePark or city walk

This option is not suitable for everyone. One girl may feel much more relaxed walking in nature than sitting in a restaurant. Another, especially if she comes on a date in high-heeled shoes, will always think about her poor legs and even that you are a cheapskate. Therefore, learn about the interests of the girls you like in advance. If you still decide to choose a park as a place for a first date, make this walk unforgettable. Prepare surprises for the girl: buy a bouquet of flowers, sing a song, or read a verse. The main thing is to create a pleasant atmosphere and have fun.

Outdoor activities

This is a wonderful idea on what to do for a date in winter. Spending time in the open air is a great option to enjoy outdoor activities. Take your girlfriend to nature or to a specially equipped sports complex. The choice of what to do on a date is extremely wide. It can be skating, snowboarding, skiing, or sledding on an equipped track or in more isolated places.

Pay Attention to the Following Things

1. At least one of you two should be able to use skates, skis, etc., otherwise, awkward situations cannot be avoided. If your skills in the field of winter sports are good, then you can easily help a girl master this art – ask her to go out on such date without a doubt. Thanks to some intimacy, you make a tactile contact, which helps create a relaxed and trusting atmosphere.

2. Warn the girl that you want to spend time outdoors, advise her to choose comfortable and warm clothes.

3. It is best to finish such a walk indoors – in a cozy cafe or a small restaurant where you can warm up and share impressions about the past hours.

What Not to Do on a First Date?

We have prepared for you 5 worst things to do on the first date with a girl in case you still do not know that cinema and bar are far from ideal options for such an event. Read this information and never do these things on the first date if you do not want to spoil the romantic mood.

1. Cinema

For some reason, many believe that going to the cinema on a first date is a great idea. But it is not so! And that's why:

  • you will not talk to each other for at least two hours (if you are not one of those people who like to talk while watching a movie and annoy all other viewers);
  • you do not know which films she likes, and therefore, you can hardly guess with the choice of the film. Also, you will need to solve some delicate questions. “Can I take her hand? Should I buy her separate popcorn or take one big for two?” And so on. Such a first date can be considered failed even if the girl likes the movie (it does not mean that she likes you).

2. Disco, bar, or club

Do not go to the disco on the first date. There are several reasons. First of all, you will not be able to communicate in a normal manner due to the loud music. So, you will have to shout to hear each other. Of course, they sell alcohol there, and it will help you relax. However, you can overrate your strength and get hammered. Do you need such a first date? Also, there are possible unexpected encounters with undesirable people who can spoil your mood, for example, ex-girls or thuggish youth groups.

3. Group date

“Take a friend, and I'll take mine” – a disgusting option for a first date! Firstly, it indicates the frivolity of your intentions. Secondly, the dynamics of events changes in many respects during a group date, and it may not be very comfortable for some people to remain in the company of others.

4. Getting drunk

Most first dates are arranged traditionally with food and drinks. Wherever you go, be it a restaurant or a pub, try to drink less alcohol. Even if you have developed a certain resistance to intoxication, do not forget that the stressful situation (which is the first date) can play a low-down trick, and alcohol will get into head faster than usually. Getting drunk, both you and the girl can shoot your mouth off to each other. In addition, alcohol dulls the brain and causes excessive boldness, which, in turn, is not very appropriate on the first date.

5. Discussing taboo subjects

Forbidden topics include past relationships, health, family relationships, financial situation, politics, and job complaints. And this is only a small part of those themes that are better not to touch. Do not ask too much, turning communication into an interview and do not overdo it with stories about yourself. Dialogue is the optimal form of communication.

What to Do After a First Date?

Many guys do not know what to do after a first date. Therefore, even in the most successful cases of the date, their ridiculous SMS and calls lead to failure. What to do after a first date to make the girl you like fall in love with you and go out to the second date?

what do you do on a first dateKiss or not to kiss?

The best option is to decide on the situation whether the date should have such a romantic ending. If you feel a mutual attraction from the woman you like on the first date, then a fond kiss is a perfect ending to the day spent together. However, do not persist and ask for a "cup of coffee." If your intentions about this lady are serious, you can do it later or wait until the better time.

Take her home

Do you wonder what to do after dinner date? The task of any man is to ensure the protection and safety of a lady until she gets home after the date. When your first date is over, offer the girl to take her home or give her a lift. If she refuses, be sure to call a taxi for her. Offer to go together with her to make sure she gets home without incident. In case of refusal, just pay the necessary amount to the taxi driver and ask the girl to write you back when she will be at home.

Chat online

What to write to the girl after the first date? After the meeting, you can remind the girl about yourself via SMS. You can joke, emphasizing your positive mood after the date, letting the girl know that it was pleasant for you to spend time with her. It is important for the correspondence to be alive and natural so that you do not try to show yourself as a different person and use banal phrases.

The first date is exciting for both parties, so when you communicate on the social network for the first time after the date, you can remind the most interesting moments of the meeting, reveal to the girl some of the feelings you had at first, or even tell her how you prepared the date. Tell the girl what you liked about her on the first date. It is an unobtrusive and at the same time, meaningful compliment for the girl – now she has only pleasant emotions associated with the date. But do not be obsessive. If you write too much, then the girl starts thinking that you are in love or do not have other hobbies and interests. Add a little humor, tell her what funny moments you have experienced in a day, or tell her some interesting life stories.

Do not rush to the second date

Imagine you had a wonderful first date with a girl. You are completely fascinated by her, and she is supposedly reciprocating. Should you immediately ask her out on a date again? You should not hurry. After all, the sweetness of the first meeting can blear the eyes so much that any hasty decision may be wrong. Moreover, the girl also needs to calm down and think whether she considers you an interesting guy to fall in love with or just a good interlocutor.

Best of all, chat on the Internet in the evening after the first date. Even the call may be superfluous and distract the girl from thinking about the date. Ask her if she liked your first meeting. Try to end your dialogue on a positive note. The next day, you can send her a nice morning message. When you plunge into the conversation, feel free to invite the girl to go out somewhere on a second date.

Think in advance about some good ideas on what to do on a second date. It will be great if you use the information that you learned from the girl on the first date. For example, she said that she has always dreamed of riding horses... You got the hint, didn’t you?

The main thing to remember: the first date with a girl is a chance to make the best impression. Do not be afraid to make mistakes! You should behave as naturally as possible, and then you will be able to impress any girl. Women appreciate sincere and open-hearted men who know how to engage in a conversation and care for their loved ones. Good luck on your first date!

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